Joint Particle Physics Seminar: The Electric-Magnetic S-matrix and Monopole Catalysis

Hongkai Liu, Technion & Yann Gouttenoire, TAU

01 December 2021, 11:00 
Shenkar Physics Building, Melamed Hall 006 
Particle Physics Seminar





11:00 Hongkai Liu, Technion: Probing general neutrino interactions in SMNEFT. 


Flavor oscillations between massive neutrinos strongly motivate physics beyond the standard model associated with the neutrino sector. The addition of right-handed neutrino states to the SM is the simplest extension to account for neutrino oscillations. First, I will discuss the general neutrino interactions based on the Standard Model Neutrino Effective Field Theory (SMNEFT). Then I will present the constraints from low-energy probes: deep inelastic and coherent elastic neutrino scattering, nuclear beta decay, and meson decay data. Then I will continue with the high energy electron-proton and proton-proton collider. Due to the wide energy range of those observables, the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the low-energy effective field theory (LEFT) below the electroweak scale and of SMNEFT above the electroweak scale and the matching are also discussed. Finally, I will demonstrate that the high-energy and low-energy probes are complementary to probe various type of interactions.
12:00 Lunch 


13:00 Yann Gouttenoire, TAU: Kination cosmology from scalar fields and gravitational-wave signatures


Particle physics beyond the Standard Model can temporarily induce an equation of state for the early Universe which is not that of radiation. The resulting non-standard expansion histories leave signatures in primordial stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves (GW). One of the most exciting scenarios is the kination era — the kinetic energy of a scalar field dominates the Universe. This talk focuses on a matter-kination era that can occur naturally inside the standard radiation era due to axion dynamics. The matter-kination era imprints a smoking-gun GW peak, whose position depends on kination's energy scale and duration. Remarkably, the viable parameter space allows for a kination era at the MeV-EeV scale and generates a GW peak from either primordial inflation or local/global cosmic strings, which lies inside LISA, ET, and CE sensitivity windows. Finally, we connect the matter-kination peak to the abundance of axion dark matter. 




Seminar Organizers: Dr. Michael Geller & Dr. Adi Ashkanzi

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