About Us


The School of Mathematical Sciences includes three departments: Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, and Statistics and Operations Research. It Is home to nearly 90 faculty members, 85 PhD. students, more than 200 M Sc students and about 500 undergraduates students .


The Studies, as with mathematics in general, are fascinating and challenging. The school is a center of academic activities across the spectrum of mathematics and statistics. Seminars are held weekly in different  areas and leading scientists from around the world visit and present lectures.


Undergraduate Studies

The school offers programs in mathematics and statistics, with single major and double major options.


The mathematics curriculum emphasizes logical inference, with a focus on proving theorems, with a view toward depth and abstraction. The first year study program lays the foundations for the advanced courses that are studied in the second and third year. These courses expose the depth and beauty of mathematics, as well as its application to practical problems.


Studies in statistics and operations research provide extensive background in these areas, and also equip students with a strong background in mathematics. Students in the program acquire skills in analyzing data and mathematical modeling and analysis using advanced computational tools.


Students who enroll in the double major can integrate a wide range of other areas. Common choices are computer science, economics, business administration, philosophy and psychology.  In addition, it is possible to take a double major in mathematics and statistics-operations research.


Advanced Studies

Graduate studies include courses and research under the guidance of a faculty member. The research gives students the option to enter the fascinating world of scientific discovery.

The school offers a variety of MSc programs, and PhD. studies focus on carrying out research and beginning work with a supervisor in the faculty.


Faculty and research activities

The School of Mathematical Sciences has a strong international reputation in research. Tel Aviv University is located high in well-known ratings of universities like the Shanghai rankings.


Faculty members are invited to speak at major conferences center and to visit the world's leading institutions. The school encourages and fosters educational and research excellence among the students. Many of them continue to advanced degrees and make careers in  the academic world, others go straight into key positions in high-tech, financial institutions, and research and development  groups in  industry and in public service. Others turn to teaching and train the next generation.


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