Graduate Studies

updated: 01.11.2020

Condensed Matter Physics - Graduate Studies

This is a brief summary of the requirements for the M.Sc. degree in physics. For complete information (in Hebrew) see the Course Catalog (Yedion) of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, especially Studies for the M.Sc. degree in physics. Also see the list of graduate courses.


For more details regarding the MSc studies at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, please see the following guidelines (Hebrew)


Duration of studies:

The course of studies towards the M.Sc. degree is expected to take two years for theoretical work and two and a half years for experimental work. (A student may petition for an extension of this time limit.) The School encourages qualified students to enroll directly as doctoral students and thus to bypass the M.Sc. entirely. The requirements for the degree consist of courses, a thesis, and a final examination on the thesis.


Areas of Research:

The faculty of the School carry out theoretical and experimental research in:

A student must select an area of research and make contact with a thesis advisor by the end of his first semester of study.



The M.Sc. program requires courses comprising a total of 28 semester-hours. Students take four required courses and (typically) three elective courses, to be chosen in consultation with the departmental or group advisor.



The student may submit a thesis that is written as a separate work; alternatively, the student may submit a preprint or reprint of a publication. If the publication was written by a collaboration then the student must attach a summary of approximately 15 pages. The thesis is evaluated by 3 referees chosen from within the School or outside of it.


Final examination:

The final oral examination covers subjects related to the thesis work. The examination takes place after completion of all other degree requirements.

The final grade is computed according to:

  • 30% - thesis grade
  • 50% - average of grades in courses
  • 20% - grade on the final examination



  • Graduate Teaching Committee
  • Administrative matters related to admission, grades, etc., are handled by Mrs. Yakira Navaty at the School of Physics & Astronomy Secretariat. She can be reached by phone at +972-3-640-8310; by fax at +972-3-642-9306; and by e-mail at
  • Information for applicants, including university-wide requirements, may be found in the University Registration website. (Foreign students look here.)


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