Joshua Jortner Distinguished Lectures in Chemistry: CONTROLLING CHIRAL SPACE IN ASYMMETRIC CATALYSIS

Prof. Ben L. Feringa, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials & Center for Systems Chemistry, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh, Groningen, The Netherlands

08 March 2015, 16:00 
Shenkar Building, Holcblat Hall 007 
Joshua Jortner Distinguished Lectures in Chemistry


The challenge to develop the fully catalytic sustainable organic synthesis of the future sets the stage for a new era in asymmetric catalysis. Besides high levels of activity and selectivity, practicality of the new catalytic methodologies is a key parameter. The design of catalytic toolkits and tandem catalytic conversions are other important aspects. In this lecture new catalytic systems based on monodentate phosphoramidite ligands will be discussed. The focus will be on advances in C-C bond formation and applications in the synthesis of natural products. Furthermore, the catalytic conjugate addition reactions of Grignard reagents and allylic alkylation of organolithium reagents with absolute levels of stereocontrol will be presented. The synthetic methodology will be illustrated in the total synthesis of structures demanding remote acyclic stereocontrol.Furthermore recent advances in catalytic cross coupling with organolithium reagents will
be discussed.


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