Physical Chemistry Seminar: Thermalization Dynamics without Detailed Balance

Dr. David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, Technion

25 July 2024, 15:00 
Multidisciplinary Building, Room 315 
Physical Chemistry Seminar


Systems that break time-reversal symmetry can break detailed balance at equilibrium (DBE) when the interaction strength with the thermal bath goes beyond the weak coupling limit, as we showed in a recent work (see PRL 131, 040401 (2023)). In this presentation, we show that the lack of DBE influences how the system reaches thermal equilibrium. Instead of the standard exponential decay, thermalization happens through decaying oscillations of the system eigenstates, even without coherences. This requires high enough temperatures to fuel the oscillations and a strong enough violation of DBE. Moreover, we demonstrate that the transition from the exponential to the oscillatory dynamics occurs at a transition temperature where the dynamical matrix has an exceptional point.   Finally, we describe the physical mechanism producing the decaying oscillations.



Seminar Organizer: Dr. Guy Cohen




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