Special Chemistry School Seminar: Nanomaterials for biomedical applications

Prof. Michał Giersig, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

11 July 2022, 14:00 
Ornstein Building, Room 111 
Special Chemistry School Seminar



Advances in the controlled growth and characterisation of high-quality nanomaterials are a key factor in laying the foundations of modern nanomaterials for applications in biomedicine.  One of the most important challenges of nanotechnology is the design and production of materials starting from the atomic scale, through the molecular scale to the supramolecular scale. The best known description of nanotechnology was developed by the National Nanotechnology Initiative (USA), defining nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter in which at least one of its dimensions lies between 1 and 100 nanometres. The development and creation of a new generation of smart nanomaterials has been made possible by interdisciplinary collaboration. Sophisticated nanomaterials are the result of synergic cooperation between specialists in the following fields: physics, chemistry, biomedicine, materials science, computer science and humanities. The dynamic development of nanotechnology is clearly visible in numerous biomedical and electronic applications and they will be the subject of my lecture.       I will present specific examples of nanomaterials due to their production methods determining their specific properties such as size, morphology, structure - electronic and crystallographic, superparamagnetism, superhydrophobicity and biocompatibility, implying their applications.


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