LMI Seminar: Surprises in multiple scattering of light from disordered materials
Prof. Rémi Carminati, Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris, PSL University
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97628562060?pwd=VU1ld3U3VmpMakE4TTM1enBqUStMQT09
We will present recent studies in light scattering from disordered materials, in which unexpected behaviors show up. In the context of imaging through opaque scattering media, we will show that the reflected and transmitted speckle patterns share mutual information, even in the regime of large optical thickness. This opens the way to novel approaches for sensing and imaging through opaque media.
\We will discuss the photonic properties of partially ordered materials (between fully random and crystals) made of discrete scatterers in a transparent matrix. As an example, we will show that transparency, or enhanced absorption, can be observed for a specific type of partial order known as hyperuniform disorder.
Finally, in the context of light transport (diffusion) in complex media, we will describe an invariance property discovered recently, showing that the averaged path length in the wave scattering process is independent on the microstructure of the medium.