LMI Seminar: Developments and application of luminescent carbon nanotube for super-resolution imaging in the NIR
Laurent Cognet, CNRS & University of Bordeaux
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87337037813?pwd=ZFR6cktXVllZT2hvR1luOTFFZFZzZz09
Single-molecule localization microscopy has set a new paradigm in the field of optical imaging, especially in bioscience, by delivering super-resolution images i.e. with resolution much better than the diffraction limit. Yet, imaging at the single molecule sensitivity remains difficult in the NIR-II biological window (~1000–1350 nm) due to lack of suitable emitters. In addition, the use of long wavelength does not represent an asset when nanoscale imaging is desired. It would however be highly advantageous for in vivo studies because of low light extinction by biological constituents at these wavelengths.
Interestingly, single wall carbon nanotubes display bright and stable photoluminescence in the near-infrared, the domain of wavelength bearing many promises in bioimaging but also in quantum optics for instance. Applying concepts developed in super-resolution imaging to engineer and study basic carbon nanotube photophysics or to design novel nanoprobes thus represents an appealing opportunity. In his quest I will present our efforts to marry carbon nanotube luminescence and super-resolution imaging, for understanding basic excitonic processes in carbon nanotubes, advancing the field of bioimaging or creating optical molecular switches based on carbon nanotube nano-hydrids.