Physics Colloquium: The quest for physics beyond the standard model
Yotam Soreq, Technion
The standard model of particle physics is one of the greatest achievements of theoretical physics. However, there are various hints for the existence of new physics. In this talk, we discuss novel probes of physics beyond the standard model and their interplay with rare standard model processes. In particular, we explore the possibility of using high energy electron - high intense laser system for new physics searches, denoted as new physics search with optical dump (NPOD). NPOD can be built as part of the LUXE experiment at DESY and probe unexplored new physics parameter space in the near future. Finally, we show an independent method to determine the muon anomalous magnetic moment, (g-2), based on precision muonium spectroscopy. This may shed light on the long standing anomaly of the muon (g-2).
Event Organizer: Dr. Michael Geller