Condensed Matter Seminar: Quantum imaging with free electrons and light

Yonatan Israel, Stanford University and Technion

23 January 2023, 11:00 
Kaplun Building, Room 103 
Condensed Matter Seminar




The ability to control and manipulate free electrons and light is interesting for its fundamental aspects, while its development for imaging applications has seen great progress, enabling imaging at increasing sensitivity and resolution. Recent developments in quantum information and quantum metrology have inspired a growing interest in developing techniques that manipulate free electrons and light for applications of quantum information processing, as well as to attain quantum limits in imaging applications. In the first part of the talk, I will focus on free electrons, where I will describe a technique to manipulate the transverse wave-function of free electrons using thin photodiodes illuminated with patterned continuous wave light. These manipulations could in the future allow free-electron entanglement and quantum simulations using free electrons, as well as advanced applications of electron microscopy. I will then discuss progress towards realizing a quantum-inspired technique to enhance the dose efficiency of electron microscopes. that approaches the quantum limit for imaging of single molecules with atomic resolution. In the second part of the talk, I will present a classical technique to enhance the sensitivity and throughput of imaging a dynamic sample that approaches the quantum limit, surpassing sensitivity enhancement of all previous demonstrations of imaging that use squeezed light or entanglement.



Event Organizer: Dr. Yohai Bar Sinai

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