High Energy Theory Group Meeting: Hydrodynamics of spin currents
Amos Yarom, Technion
29 April 2021, 13:30
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82982045588?pwd=VFZJN3gySGQyVDhFZVVTNXpEYzhndz09
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82982045588?pwd=VFZJN3gySGQyVDhFZVVTNXpEYzhndz09
I will explain why Lambda hyperon polarization experiments at RHIC lead to a need for a theory of relativistic hydrodynamics with spin currents. I will then discuss how to construct a theory of relativistic hydrodynamics in the presence of a non vanishing spin chemical potential, clarifying some confusion in the literature. Finally, I will show how solving the resulting equations of motion in a perturbative setup leads to surprisingly good agreement with the aforementioned measurements.
Seminar Organizer: Andrea Guerrieri