Particle Physics Seminar: Lifshitz z=2 Supersymmetric Wess-Zumino Model

Avia Raviv, TAU

22 January 2015, 10:00 
Shenkar Building, Holcblat Hall 007 
Particle Physics Seminar


Lifshitz scaling symmetry is a symmetry in which the time and space scale differently. In nature, Lifshitz symmetry appears in some systems of condensed matter. We will review field theories which obey Lifshitz scaling symmetry. We construct possible supersymmetric extensions of 2+1 dimensional Lifshitz field theories with a critical exponent z=2. We study the possible marginal and relevant interactions at the classical and quantum level. We generalize the results at the classical level for various values of the dynamical exponent z.  



Seminar Organizer: Dr. Tomer Volansky

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