Particle Physics Seminar: Study of Neutron-Rich Exotic Isotopes - New Research Programs and Plans

Israel Mardor, TAU

28 December 2017, 10:00 
Shenkar Building, Melamed Hall 006 
Particle Physics Seminar


Research of neutron-rich exotic isotopes generates significant contributions to the understanding of the nucleosynthesis rapid neutron capture process (r-process), and extension of nuclear models to regions far from stability. In this talk I will present our programs for the short and long term in this emerging field.


Short term - Among the important properties of neutron-rich exotic isotopes, measured beta-delayed single- and multi-neutron emission probabilities are among the scarcest in nuclear data bases. This is mainly because current measurement methods require large arrays of neutron detectors that are prone to irreducible background, and a nuclear model dependent analysis. I will describe a new measurement method that we proposed in collaboration with the FRS Ion Catcher group at GSI. The method is based on direct measurement of the decay recoils, circumventing practically all shortcomings of existing efforts.


Long term - Combining an Ion Catcher, similar to the one at GSI, with the high-power accelerator SARAF II, currently under construction at Soreq NRC, will enable creating a research facility for neutron-rich exotic isotopes in Israel, based on high-energy neutrons induced fission. I will outline our conceptual design and preliminary estimations, which indicate that such a facility will be potent in a world competitive manner, exceeding neutron-rich isotope production rates of other future facilities such as FRIB.



Seminar Organizer: Prof. Nissan Itzhaki

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