Particle Physics Seminar: The radial location of the baryonic vertex in the HISH model

Alon Liberman, TAU

07 March 2019, 10:00 
Shenkar Building, Melamed Hall 006 
Particle Physics Seminar


We survey the HISH (holography inspired stringy hadrons) model, which represents hadrons as strigny configurations living in the bulk of a holographic SSW background, allowing  for a mapping of hadrons to strings with massive endpoints rotating in flat space, in order to account for regge behavior of higher spin excitations. A particular focus is given to the  HISH baryon -an object composed of $N_{c}$ strings attached to a wrapped brane called the baryonic vertex, whose location along the radial hologrpahic coordinate affects the string's endpoint mass.  The baryonic vertex's location (for large $N_{c}$ and $N_{c}=3$),  is determined using energetic considerations, and phenomenoligical implications are discussed. The results are tested for strings with $x_[4}$ components, as well as for a change in background metric ( KS background, as well as D3,D5 backgrounds instead of the SSW's D4 background).  The formulas for the diquark baryon's energy are used for other HISH baryon issues, such as a comparison with the y-shape baryon  (in which the diquark proves to be energetically favorable), and an analysis of the energetically preferable diquark's composition for a given bayron quark content. 


Seminar Organizer: Prof. Nissan Itzhaki


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