Astronomy & Astrophysics Seminar: Opportunities for Astrophysics Research at Soreq NRC’s New Scientific Facilities
Prof. Israel Mardor, Soreq National Research Center and TAU
Soreq NRC is currently constructing two new large scientific facilities – The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF), and the National Laser Facility (NLF). Both facilities will provide a ground for advanced research in several fields, where astrophysics is one of the most prominent.
This seminar will be devoted mostly to SARAF. When completed at the beginning of the next decade, SARAF will be a user facility based on a high power proton/deuteron superconducting linear accelerator. Phase I of SARAF is already in operation. By use of a novel liquid lithium target (LiLiT), we generated up to 5×1010 epithermal neutrons/sec, mainly for nuclear astrophysics research of the s-process. The world leading epithermal neutron yield at SARAF enables improved precision of known Maxwellian Averaged Cross Sections (MACS), and new measurements of low-abundance and radioactive isotopes. The completed facility (Phase II) will enable extended nuclear astrophysics research with higher energy neutrons, and generation and studies of world-competitive amounts of exotic neutron-rich isotopes, which are important to the r-process, neutron star crusts and more.
In addition, a brief overview of NLF will be presented. Due to be completed by the end of the decade, NLF is based on a high power laser, and will enable research in High Energy Density Physics, which is relevant to several astrophysical processes.
Seminar Organizer: Prof. Sara Beck