Astronomy & Astrophysics Seminar: Intergalactic filaments at high redshift -- gaseous structure and dynamics
Nicolas Cornuault, HUJI
07 November 2018, 14:00
Shenkar Building, Holcblat Hall 007
Galaxies at high redshift accrete most of their gas in the form of cold streams. The latter are only the core components of larger, massive, filamentary structures linking neighboring galactic halos. Part of the cosmic web, these intergalactic filaments may be studied numerically following different approaches: topological analysis, description of the gas dynamics, statistics of characteristics, and so on.
I will restrict this talk to gas dynamics and its implications for the evolution of galaxies, a rather unexplored subject, yet of prime importance in our field.
Seminar Organizer: Dr. Omer Bromberg