Special M.Sc. Organic Chemistry Seminar

25 July 2019, 14:00 
Shenkar Physics Building, Room 204 
Organic Chemistry Seminar

Ms. Nitsan Papo

M.Sc. supervisor Prof.: Roey Amir 

“Control of Nanoparticle Release Kinetics from 3D Printed Hydrogel Scaffolds”


Ms. Sara Gutkin

M.Sc. supervisor: Prof. Doron Shabat

“Rapid cancer detection by topically spraying a -glutamyltranspeptidase - activated "fluorescent probe


Ms. Lihi Ozery

M.Sc. supervisor: Prof. Roey Amir

“Dendrimer conjugation enables multiphoton chemical neurophysiology with an extended -electron caging chromophore”


Ms. Ofir Press

M.Sc. supervisor: Prof. Doron Shabat

“Single Fluorescent Probe Responds to H2O2, NO, and H2O2/NO with Three Different Sets of Fluorescence Signals”


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