Particle Physics Seminar: The Nuclear Photonics lab at Tel-Aviv University

Dr. Ishay Pomerantz, TAU

14 May 2020, 10:00 
Particle Physics Seminar




For the past few decades, nuclear research has been exclusive to large accelerator and reactor facilities. The availability of tabletop particle sources based on high-intensity lasers opens venues for new research methods in nuclear physics, both at large facilities and at university-scale laboratories.


A new high-intensity laser laboratory has been set up at the school of physics at Tel-Aviv U.  It hosts a high-contrast, 20 Terawatt peak-power laser system.


I will review our research program which spans over the interfaces between material science, plasma and nuclear physics, and QED tests in the strong-field regime.



Seminar Organizers: Prof. Erez Etzion & Dr. Liron Barak


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