Physics Colloquium: Physical Genomics: Harnessing Physics and Chemistry for Single-molecule Analysis of the Human Genome

Prof. Yuval Ebenstein, TAU

08 December 2019, 14:00 
Shenkar Building, Melamed Hall 006 
Physics Colloquium


DNA is an amazing memory device that holds the operating system of life. However, DNA sequencing fails to extract the full range of information associated with genetic material and is lacking in its ability to resolve variations between genomes. As a consequence, many genomic features remain poorly characterized in the human genome reference. In addition, the information content of the genome extends beyond the base sequence in the form of chemical modifications such as DNA methylation or DNA damage lesions that chemically encode our life experiences in our DNA. By applying experimental principles of single molecule detection we gain access to the structural variation and long range patterns of genetic and epigenetic information. We show how physical extension of long DNA molecules on surfaces and in nanofluidic channels reveals such information in the form of a linear, optical “barcode” showing distinct types of observables. Recent results from our lab demonstrate our ability to detect epigenetic marks and various forms of DNA damage on individual genomic DNA molecules and use this information for medical diagnostics.



Event Organizer: Dr. Iair Arcavi

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