High Energy Theory Group Meeting: Dynamical hard rods and TTbar deformation
Yunfeng Jiang, Cern
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037428657?pwd=Z3hubVhmbEtUYXNDajY1R2pTaWpHdz09
In this talk, I will show that TTbar and a family of more general solvable bilinear deformations have the effect of deforming the point particles into hard rods with finite size. This can be most easily seen for non-relativistic systems where the number of excitations is conserved. I will discuss this picture from two different perspectives. In the first part, I will discuss TTbar deformation of a concrete model, which is the 1d Bose gas. In the second part, I will provide a 2d gravity interpretation for the TTbar deformation of generic non-relativistic QFTs in the framework of Newton-Cartan geometry. Finally, I will comment on the physical implications of the hard rod picture.
Seminar Organizer: Andrea Guerrieri