High Energy Theory Group Meeting: 1-loop contact terms in AdS correlators

Shai Chester, Weizmann

16 December 2021, 13:30 
Kaplun Building, Room 324 
High Energy Theory Group Meeting

Zoom: https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/82580881224?pwd=U1hrRkp1VGVuU0czT1pKRkhnbXpYdz09



Aharony et al. showed how tree level AdS correlators can be used to fix 1-loop, up to contact terms that require theory specific data. We discuss how to fix some of these contact terms in both string theory (N=4 SYM) and M-theory (ABJM) duals using supersymmetric localization, and find that they are nonzero for string theory duals, but zero for M-theory duals. This motivates a conjecture that 1-loop contact terms vanish for all M-theory duals, even in cases like the 6d (2,0) CFT where there is no localization to check this.



Seminar Organizer: Andrea Guerrieri



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