High Energy Theory Group Meeting: SQCD and pairs of pants
Shlomo Razamat, Technion
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037428657?pwd=Z3hubVhmbEtUYXNDajY1R2pTaWpHdz09
We will discuss a geometric re-interpretation of Seiberg duality for unitary gauge groups. We will show that the 4d SU(N+2) SQCD in the middle of the conformal window can be engineered by compactifying certain 6d SCFTs on three punctured spheres. We will discuss the interplay between simple geometric and group theoretic considerations and complicated field theoretic strong coupling phenomena. In particular we will show how many known and novel dualities and symmetry enhancement phenomena of supersymmetric gauge theories, with simple and semi-simple unitary gauge groups, are related to the Weyl group of SO(12+4N).
Seminar Organizer: Andrea Guerrieri