High Energy Theory Group Meeting: Anomalous Dimensions in Non-planar N=4 SYM
Tristan MacLoughlin, Trinity College, Dublin
18 February 2021, 13:30
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037428657?pwd=Z3hubVhmbEtUYXNDajY1R2pTaWpHdz09
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037428657?pwd=Z3hubVhmbEtUYXNDajY1R2pTaWpHdz09
In this talk we will consider the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in N=4 super-Yang-Mills and related theories. We will first discuss the presence of quantum chaos at finite N and how the perturbative spectrum is well described by GOE random matrix theory. We will then describe how the integrability of the planar-limit can be used to rewrite the computation of 1/N corrections to the one-loop anomalous dimensions in terms of scalar products of off-shell Bethe states or, alternatively, hexagon-like functions.
Seminar Organizer: Andrea Guerrieri