High Energy Theory Group Meeting: From T\bar T deformations to proton proton scattering
Jacob Sonnenschein, TAU
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037428657?pwd=Z3hubVhmbEtUYXNDajY1R2pTaWpHdz09
I will describe Heisenberg's model in 1+1 dimensions of nucleon-nucleon scattering that admits a Froissart behavior at high-energies.
The resemblance of this model and the T \bar T deformation of a scalar field theory will be discussed.
I will derive soliton, breather and shock wave solutions of these models. I will prove that the mass of the soliton is not modified by the deformation. Extensions to 3+1 dimensions will be discussed. I will obtain a Skyrmion-like soliton for the pion field that when boosted, becomes the shockwave of the Heisenberg model. This hints at a possible relation between T T deformations and a chiral perturbation theory.
Seminar Organizer: Andrea Guerrieri