High Energy Theory Group Meeting: An Analytical Toolkit for the S-matrix Bootstrap

Amit Sever, Tau CERN

26 May 2020, 11:30 
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98353782118?pwd=dGk5Zmo5Z0pJSVViczRQVEx6dU9RZz09 
High Energy Theory Group Meeting

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98353782118?pwd=dGk5Zmo5Z0pJSVViczRQVEx6dU9RZz09



Motivated by the success of the conformal bootstrap, we revisit the implications of elastic unitarity and extended analyticity for the S-matrix of unitary, relativistic, gapped theories in d>2 spacetime dimensions. We consider two natural expansion of the non-perturbative amplitude -- the threshold and the large spin expansions, as well as the relation between them. Finally, we discuss the implication of these to the numerical S-matrix bootstrap.






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