High Energy Theory Group Meeting: The Analytic Bootstrap for Large N Chern-Simons Vector Models
Ran Yacoby, WIS
I will review the recent progress in understanding four-point functions of single-trace scalar operators in Chern-Simons vector models in the large N limit. In this limit, those theories enjoy an approximate higher-spin symmetry, which was used in the past to fix the planar three-point functions of all their single-trace operators. However, it is currently not known how to use the same higher-spin symmetry constraints to fix the planar four-point (or higher-point) functions. As we will see, the planar four-point function of scalars can be completely fixed by using different principles, such as crossing symmetry and boundedness in the Regge limit, as well as by explicit computations. Moreover, the same principles can be used to extract some information on (non-planar) 1/N corrections.