High Energy Theory Group Meeting: OPE for form factors

Amit Sever, TAU

05 November 2020, 13:30 
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037428657?pwd=Z3hubVhmbEtUYXNDajY1R2pTaWpHdz09 
High Energy Theory Group Meeting

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037428657?pwd=Z3hubVhmbEtUYXNDajY1R2pTaWpHdz09



We propose an operator product expansion for planar form factors of local operators in N = 4 SYM theory. This expansion is based on the dual conformal symmetry of these objects or, equivalently, the conformal symmetry of their dual description in terms of periodic Wilson loops. A form factor is decomposed into a sequence of known pentagon transitions and a new universal object that we call the “form factor transition”. This transition is subject to a set of non-trivial bootstrap constraints, which allows us to bootstrap it at any value of the coupling. We evaluate the form factor transition for MHV form factors of the chiral half of the stress tensor supermultiplet at leading order in perturbation theory and use it to produce OPE predictions at any loop order. We match the one-loop and two-loop predictions with data available in the literature.


Seminar Organizer: Andrea Guerrieri



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