Joint Seminar in Nuclear Physics

09 December 2024, 13:30 
Danciger B building Seminar room, HUJI. The Edmond Safra (Giv'at Ram) campus 
Joint Seminar in Nuclear Physics





13:30 - 13:45 - Refreshments


13:45 - 14:45 - High-energy resummation effects in Heavy Quarkonium production physics, Maxim Nefedov, Ben Gurion University


In the talk, an overview of inclusive heavy quarkonium production theory -- the Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorisation, and corresponding phenomenology in proton-proton and electron-proton collisions will be given (see also the recent review [1] and the paper [2]). Then the resolution of perturbative instability of some observables in inclusive hadroproduction of eta-c mesons [3], inclusive photoproduction of J/psi [4] and exclusive photoproduction of J/psi [5] at NLO with the help of the resummation of high-energy logarithms in the hard process will be discussed. The continuation of this program beyond the Doubly-Logarithmic Approximation of Refs. [3,4,5] will be also mentioned if time permits (see [6,7]).

[1] D. Boer, C. A. Flett, C. Flore, D. Kikola, J. P. Lansberg, M. Nefedov, C. Van Hulse, S. Bhattacharya, J. Bor and M. Butenschoen, et al., ``Physics case for quarkonium studies at the Electron Ion Collider,'' arXiv:2409.03691 [hep-ph].

[2] N. Brambilla, M. Butenschoen and X. P. Wang, ``How well does nonrelativistic QCD factorization work at next-to-leading order?,'' arXiv:2411.16384 [hep-ph].

[3] J. P. Lansberg, M. Nefedov and M. A. Ozcelik, ``Matching next-to-leading-order and high-energy-resummed calculations of heavy-quarkonium-hadroproduction cross sections,'' JHEP 05, 083 (2022) [arXiv:2112.06789 [hep-ph]].

[4] J. P. Lansberg, M. Nefedov and M. A. Ozcelik, ``Curing the high-energy perturbative instability of vector-quarkonium-photoproduction cross sections at order $\alpha \alpha _s^3$ with high-energy factorisation,'' Eur. Phys. J. C 84, no.4, 351 (2024) [arXiv:2306.02425 [hep-ph]].

[5] C. A. Flett, J. P. Lansberg, S. Nabeebaccus, M. Nefedov, P. Sznajder and J. Wagner, ``Exclusive vector-quarkonium photoproduction at NLO in \alpha_s in collinear factorisation with evolution of the generalised parton distributions and high-energy resummation,'' Phys. Lett. B 859, 139117 (2024) [arXiv:2409.05738 [hep-ph]].

[6] M. Nefedov, ``One-loop impact factors for heavy quarkonium production: S-wave case,'' arXiv:2408.06234 [hep-ph].

[7] M. Nefedov, ``Forward eta_Q production impact factor at NLO,'' arXiv:2408.09440 [hep-ph].


14:45 - 15:15 - Coffee break


15:15 - 16:15 - Short-range correlations and quantum computing in nuclear physics, Ronen Weiss, The Hebrew University


In this talk I will discuss my research of the quantum many-body problem with focus on nuclear physics and universal features shared by different systems, relevant for atomic and condensed-matter physics as well. I will present my work on short-range physics and on quantum computing algorithms with the goal of tackling current limitations in our description of such systems. First, I will discuss a theory for a consistent description of short-range correlations and demonstrate its successful description of various observables in nuclear systems and the path it opens for further advancements in the field. I will then turn to my work on quantum computing algorithms for calculating reaction cross sections in many-body quantum systems, important for utilizing current and future advancements in quantum hardware. I will discuss different relevant aspects, including mapping to qubits, state preparation and time evolution algorithms. Throughout my talk I will emphasize the connection to major experimental efforts in nuclear physics and beyond, and studies of physics beyond the Standard Model.



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