Particle Physics Seminar: Looking beyond Dark Matter in Axion Haloscopes

Nicholas Rodd, CERN

17 January 2023, 11:00 
Shenkar Physics Building, Room 204 
Particle Physics Seminar


The coming decade will bring dramatic improvement in the axion dark-matter program as new experimental designs move beyond the proof of principle stage. In this talk I will outline two signals beyond dark matter that these instruments could discover. The first is a population of relativistic axions that were produced in the early universe and persist as a residual Cosmic axion Background (CaB). The second is high-frequency gravitational waves; I will outline how exploiting an analogy between axion and gravitational-wave electrodynamics allows for axion haloscopes to be converted into gravitational-wave telescopes.



Seminar Organizers: Dr. Michael Geller & Dr. Adi Ashkanzi

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