Particle Physics Seminar: Measurement of charm-mixing parameter yCP in D0→ KSω decays at Belle
Dr Minakshi Nayak, TAU
Within the Standard Model, CP-violation in the charm system is very small, making it a good probe for new physics. The observable yCPparameterizes charm-mixing in D0 decays to CP-eigenstates and is sensitive to CP-violation in the charm system. The current world average value of yCP is (0.715 ± 0.111)%, where the precision mostly comes from CP-even decays of D0. It includes a measurement from CP-odd final state, KSφ, in an analysis that assumes no CP-violation, using the full Belle dataset. I will present the first measurement of yCP in the CP-odd decay D0→ KSω, allowing for CP-violation. This analysis is published recently at Phys. Rev. D 102, 071102(R). I would also discuss the Belle II prospects of yCP from CP-odd decays.
Seminar Organizers: Prof. Erez Etzion & Dr. Liron Barak