Prizes and Fellowships Graduate Students

The name of the student's advisor is in parenthesis.

Semyon Alesker

(Milman), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (1999)


Yaron Azrieli

(Lehrer) Best Paper Award, Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Hamburg (2007)


Lev Buhovsky

(Biran) Nessyahu Prize (2012)


Shiri Artstein

(Milman), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2006)


Hovav Dror

(Steinberg), Putter Prize of the Israel Statistical Association (2007)


David Golan

(Rosset), Colton fellowship (2011-2014)


Nir Gavish

(Fibich), winner of SIAM Student Paper Competition (2007)


Nir Halman

(Tamir), ORSIS excellence Prize (2008)


Shachar Kaufman

(Rosset), Best paper award, KDD2011, San Diego (2011)


Boaz Klartag

(Milman), Clore Fellowship (2003);

Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2005)


Gady Kozma

(Olevskii), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2002)


Asaf Levin

(Hassin), ORSIS excellence Prize (2004)


Sigal Levy

(Steinberg), Putter Prize of the Israel Statistical Association (2008)


Eyal Lubetzky

(Alon), Clore Fellowship


Einat Neumann Ben Ari

(Steinberg), Putter Prize of the Israel Statistical Association (2005)


Yaron Ostrover

(Polterovich), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2008)


Elad Paran

(Haran), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2010)


Omri Sarig

(Aaronson), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2002)


Arie Shaus

Azrieli Fellowship


Shlomi Reuveni

(Yechiali) James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) postdoctoral fellowship for studying complex systems


Asaf Shapira

(Alon), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2007)


Amit Singer

(Schuss), Nessyahu Prize for PhD Thesis (2007)

(Schuss), Presidential Science Award (2011)


Alexander (Sasha) Sodin

(Milman), Alon Fellowship (2015)

(Milman), Nessyahu Prize (2013)

(Milman), Adams Fellowship (2007)


Yinat Trompoler

(Abramovich), Putter Prize of the Israel Statistical Association (2010)


Inna Zaslavsky-Paltiel

(Steinberg), Best Student Paper Award, Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security of the American Statistical Association (2004)



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