Writing the Report

updated: 27.10.2016

On of the goals of Lab C is to prepare the students for writing a scientific experimental report.

The report should present the work done throughout the experiment, both with the experimental setup in the lab and during data analysis. Above all, the report should be concise and clear to the reader.

Check out the instructions for writing a report, summarized in the attached document.


The report should be written like a scientific paper, and consists of

  • One page with title, author list, abstract summarizing the content of the report (up to 10 lines).

  • Introduction – explaining the theoretical background, the purpose of the measurements     and what measurements are performed (less than 3 pages).

  • Experimental Setup – description and explanation of the experimental setup (less than 3 pages).

  • Measurements – detailed description of the different steps performed, the results and their statistical and systematic uncertainties, including table and graphic representation (less than 5 pages not including figures and tables).

  • Conclusions – summary and interpretation of the measurements (at most one page).

  • References – list of papers (author, journal, volume, year, page), books (author, title, page, publisher, year), other material (http pages).


The report has therefore at most 10 pages of introductory material and result pages (experiment dependent), with extra allowed for figures and tables if necessary. For reports larger than that points will be subtracted from the final grade. The report has to be handed until the beginning of the next experiment via Moodle.


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