
updated: 16.02.2017

  • The grade for each experiment consists of three parts:

    • Exam - the written exam at the first meeting of the measurement period

    • Performance - you will be evaluated during your work in the lab, including independence, quality of measurements performed, understanding of the experimental system and finally, creativity

    • Report - submitted until the beginning of the following experiment.

  • The weights are decided by the instructors individually for each experiment and may vary.

  • Examples for possible combinations are the 33%-33%-33% or 50%-25%-25% in favour of the report.

  • All experiments performed in the lab have an identical weight in the final course grade.

  • The grades will be published via Moodle.

  • The experiment must be performed by the two students in a pair together and the report is the resulting, joint product of their work. Both students are expected to be familiar with the details of every part of the experiment and the report. The instructor may summon each student to discuss the report and the experiment as part of their evaluation for grading purposes.

  • Copying the work of others is forbidden. When discovered, any such case will be reported to the school disciplinary committee and may lead to severe actions against all involved students.


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