Supramolecular Systems in Solution; Applications of Diffusion NMR to Supramolecular Systems (Complexation, Structure Elucidation and Hydration);
Hydrogen-Bond Molecular Capsules in Solution; Solution Host-Guest Chemistry;
Synthesis and Applications of Target Specific MRI Contrast Agents;
Applications of Diffusion MRI and MRS for Studying Brain Structure and Mechanisms of Brain Injury (Stroke, Trauma and other Neurological Disorders);
q-Space diffusion MRI (QSI) of the Central nervous System (CNS);
Double Pulsed-Field Gradient (d-PFG) NMR and MRI: From Model Systems to Imaging of the CNS: Gleaning Microstructural Information on Opaque and Neuronal Systems by d-PFG MRS and MRI.
Cellular and Molecular MR imaging in the CNS.
Prof. Yoram Cohen

B.Sc. in Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1981
Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry (Summa cum Laude), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1987
Fulbright Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), 1988-1990
Academic Appointments
Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1992-1996
Senior Lecturer, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 1996-2000
Associate Professor, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 2000-2004
Professor, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 2004-Present
Head of the School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 2008-2012
Awards and Prizes
Yehoiachim Kenat Award, 1982
Pulver Award. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1985
Fulbright Scholarship for postdoctoral appointment, 1987-1988
Gerhard M. J. Schmidt Award, the Weizmann Institute of Science, 1990
Juludan Award, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology,1993
The Brown Roger-Ziguel Award of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2002
The Josefa and Leonid Olschwang Award from the ISF, 2008
Fellow of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2010
The Joshua Jortner Chair in Chemistry, 2011
The Israel Chemical Society (ICS) Prize for Outstanding Scientist (Feb. 2016), 2015
On the list of scientists who contributed 3 or more papers to the 100 most cited papers in the history of NeuroImaging. (NeuroImage, 139, 149-156 (2016), 2016