Chemical Physics Seminar: The Static Glass Lengthscale at Low T
Yoav G. Pollack, Dept. of Chemical Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science
The most conspicuous aspect ot the pehnomenon referred to as "the glass transition" is the dramatical increase in relaxation time of a supercooled liquid (10-14 orders of magnitude) upon a modest reduction of temperature. A major theoretical question is whether the tremedous increase in relaxation time is accompanied by an increase in a typical static lengthscale similar to critical phenomena. Standard molecular dynamisc techniques and most other protocols are limited in the available relaxation times (4-5 orders of magnitude) making it impossible to simulate a liquid cold enough to demonstrate a significant increase in legthscale. Our work [1] uses a swap Monte Carlo approach that allows us to reach un unprecedented lengthscale growth of more than 500%, associated with an increase in relaxation time of 15 orders of magnitude. It is therefore the first time that a temperature regime comparable to experiments in explored in simulation.
[1] R. Gutierrez, S. Karmakar, Y. G. Pollack and I. Procaccia, Euro. Phys. Lett. 111, 56009 (2015).