Physics Colloquium: Uncloneable cryptography - a modern perspective on Wiesner's work
Or Sattath, Ben-Gurion University
10 October 2021, 14:00
Shenkar Building, Melamed Hall 006
Stepen Wiesner invented quantum money circa 1969: money that is impossible to counterfeit by the laws of quantum mechanics. In the past decade, his approach was extended to various other concepts, in a field which could be described as "ucloneable cryptography" and include topics such as: quantum copy protection for computer programs, tokens for digital signatures and authentication codes, quantum coins, and quantum encryption with certified deletion. I will present Wiesner's construction and some of the recent results in the field. The talk will not assume a background in quantum computing.
In memory of Stephen Wiesner, 1942-2021
Event Organizer: Prof. Lev Vaidman