Condensed Matter Seminar: Ordering phenomenon in antiferromagnetic Potts models and other nearest-neighbor discrete spin systems
Ron Peled, School of Mathemtics, Tel Aviv University
Ferromagnetic spin systems like the Ising or Potts models are well studied and their physical properties are generally understood. The antiferromagnetic versions of these models have received less attention in the literature. In this talk we discuss the antiferromagnetic Potts model on the Z^d lattice at low temperature. Though the model is not frustrated, its study presents challenges due to it having residual entropy at zero temperature. Among the questions of interest are: At low, or even zero, temperature, what is the probability that two far away spins have equal value? In what ways can the model order? Mathematically rigorous progress on such questions will be presented. Extensions to other nearest-neighbor discrete spin systems will also be discussed.
Based on joint works with Chandgotia, Sheffield and Tassy and with Yinon Spinka.
Event Organizer: Dr. Moshe Goldstein