Physics at Noon: The geometry of quantum matter

Tobias Holder, TAU

06 August 2024, 12:00 
Shenkar Building, Holcblat Hall 007 
Physics at Noon


When quantum mechanics was first introduced more than a hundred years ago, the uncertainty principle quickly became a central pillar in the understanding of simple quantum systems: How much a quantum particle is localized in space corresponds directly to the uncertainty in momentum, and thus also the typical energy contained in the localized state. However, what about matter that is not formed by one but by billions and billions of atoms together? Since the electrons in orbits around each atom can be fundamentally altered by their surroundings, new concepts are needed! 

In this talk, I will introduce the concept of quantum geometry in quantum materials and elucidate its crucial role in determining properties of condensed matter. For example, by appropriately quantifying the localization of the electrons in the bulk of matter, we can offer a modern perspective on the dielectric properties of insulators. Another surprising and exciting implication is that electrons effectively travel in a curved space, where most physical properties are dictated by geometry itself. 








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