Particle Physics Seminar: MBQC, Resource States and Fusion
Noam Rimock, TAU
Measurement-Based Quantum Computation (MBQC) is a framework for universal quantum computation, that employs quantum measurements, rather than unitary gates, to drive the computational process. In MBQC, the computation is carried out by first preparing an entangled resource state, known as a cluster state, and then performing a sequence of single-qubit measurements on this state. The outcomes of these measurements determine the subsequent steps of the computation, where the choice of measurement basis and the measurement results guide the evolution of the computation. Cluster States form a specific class of highly entangled multi-qubit state that serve as the resource state for MBQC. These states are prepared by entangling qubits in a specific pattern, typically arranged on a lattice or graph structure. The entanglement structure of a cluster state is what enables the propagation of quantum information through the network of qubits as measurements are performed. Fusion in the context of quantum computing, refers to the process of combining smaller entangled states or qubits to form larger entangled states, which can then be used as resources for MBQC or other quantum algorithms. Fusion operations are used to increase the size or connectivity of cluster states or to link separate quantum systems together, thus enhancing the computational power and flexibility of the quantum network. In my MS.c. thesis, we focused on a specific type of fusion called fusion type . This type of fusion is used in order to build two-dimensional cluster states out from one-dimensional clusters. We generalized this type of fusion, and provided analytical and numerical analysis of its probability of success, and the entanglement entropy of the new created link.
Seminar Organizer: Dr. Michael Geller