Physics Colloquium: Delivering visual information to blind retinas
Prof. Yael Hanein, TAU
Electronic devices for retinal and brain implant are currently being developed by several research teams. The feasibility to create such devices rests in the ability to produce proper interfacing between the chip and the biological system. Extensive research, conducted over the last several years, demonstrated that Nanotechnology can help making better bio-materials for effective interfacing between nerve cells and electronic chips. Using carbon nanotubes, we have been able to produce highly effective micro-electrodes suited for high efficacy recording and stimulation. Through innovative nano and micro-fabrication methods, we have also developed a flexible system with carbon nanotube micro-electrodes. This system exhibit excellent electrochemistry and is ideally suited for neuro-prosthetic applications. Recent efforts to realize photo-sensitive electrodes based on carbon nanotubes and quantum rods will be also presented.
Event Organiser: Prof. Alexander Gerber