Astronomy & Astrophysics Seminar: Optical Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Events: Enhancing Coordination for Kilonova Discovery
Mr. Ido Keinan, TAU
Gravitational waves from binary neutron-star mergers have been robustly detected only twice so far. The first event, GW170817, was nearby and well-localized, leading to the rapid discovery of its electromagnetic counterpart. The electromagnetic counterpart of the second event, GW190425, was never found, even though a great follow-up effort was made. This has been attributed to the larger distance and localization of that event. In this talk, I will briefly explain why binary neutron-star mergers are sought after, go through the follow-up efforts strategy, specifically of the Las Cumbres Observatory, and show that, in fact, had the electromagnetic follow-up effort of GW190425 been coordinated, its counterpart could have likely been observed. Finally, I will present the Treasure Map, a tool designed to enable electromagnetic follow-up coordination during the next gravitational-wave detector observing run.
Seminar Organizer: Prof. Dan Maoz