Geosimulation and Spatial Analysis

updated: 16.05.2018

Geosimulation and Spatial Analysis

In the Geosimulation and Spatial Analysis lab we study the dynamics of complex human-driven spatial system. We apply General System Theory to the collectives of human decision-makers, acting within the geographic environment, influencing its development and evolution and developing and evolving themselves.


Our simulation models base on high-resolution GIS and Remote Sensing databases and Big Data on population and mobility.


We study human behavior by means of state preference questionnaires, in the field via direct observations of human decision-making and in serious games.


Our research focuses on theoretical and applied aspects of urban and regional dynamics, including urban traffic, parking and road safety, disaster management, residential distribution in the city, urban and regional planning.


Our projects are supported by Israeli Science Foundation, Israeli Governmental Institutions and European Research Funds. Lab research output is several books, more than 200 peer research papers and numerous book chapters. 



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