High Energy Theory Group Seminar: On Supersymmetry and Boundaries
Itamar Shamir, Weizmann Institute
We consider N=1 supersymmetric theories on 4d spaces with boundaries.
The variation of the Lagrangian under supersymmetry is a total derivative, which presents an obstruction to preserving supersymmetry on spaces with boundaries. Such total derivative terms can be canceled by boundary actions without specifying boundary conditions. We determine the general form of the boundary actions. They come in two different classes, preserving a subalgebra corresponding to (1) N=1 in 3d, and (2) N=(0,2) in 2d. Additionally, the boundary actions are related to the brane currents appearing in the current algebra of supersymmetry. Subalgebra (1) is obtained by coupling to the domain-wall current and (2) by coupling to the string current.
Seminar Organizer: Shira Chapman