Particle Physics Seminar: Tricks and Traps: Low Energy Searches for High Energy Physics

G. Ron, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

23 May 2019, 10:00 
Shenkar Building, Melamed Hall 006 
Particle Physics Seminar


Trapped radioactive atoms and ions have become a standard tool of the trade for precision studies of beyond SM physics. decay studies, in particular, o er the possibility of detecting deviations from standard model predictions of the weak interaction which signal new physics. These 'precision frontier' earches are complementary to the high energy searches performed by the LHC and other high energy/high luminosity facilities.


I will present a general overview of magneto-optical, optical traps, and electrostatic traps, and their use for weak interaction studies. I will further present the new Hebrew University/Weizmann Institute/NRCN trapping program (TRAPLAB), recent experimental results, and future plans.



Seminar Organizer: Prof. Nissan Itzhaki


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