Research Laboratory - Networks and Communication Laboratory
Recent years have seen vast developments in such areas as communication networks and distributed processing systems. The Internet today is a visible part of almost every aspect of our daily life. Heterogeneity of applications, however, translates into a larger number of interacting protocols, service requirements, and traffic patterns. With new technologies coming up rapidly, the researchers need to analyze the performance of these systems. The lab focuses on the study and development of various network protocols and applications, and has focused in the past on ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), a network architecture that can handle a variety of streams, i.e. voice, data, image, text and video in an integrated manner.
In the Communication Networks laboratory at Tel Aviv University's School of Computer Science, advanced network simulators are used to study the behavior of the Internet and other networks. Simulating a communication network is one of the ways to design and analyze communication networks. Practically speaking, the objective of the simulations conducted in the lab is to accelerate the development and testing of new ideas.
Developing buffers, routers, memory management, packet transmission, and designing and analyzing protocols and algorithms for efficient use of computer networks, are important aspects of the research carried out in the lab. Recognizing the problems posed by the communication networks, and, at the same time, comprehending the needs of the users, help the Networks and Communication Lab meet the challenges of this constantly expanding field.
The Lab is supervised by: Prof. Yehuda Afek, Prof. Hanoch Levy and Prof. Yishay Mansour.