Prof. Michal Feldman receives the Amazon Research Award 2018

The Amazon Research Awards program is creating the future with scientists around the globe

19 June 2019
Prof. Michal Feldman receives the Amazon Research Award

Prof. Michal feldman joined the prestige group of researchers that received the Amazon research award with her proposal: Algorithmic Mechanism Design: Beyond Independent Private Preferences.


The Amazon Research Awards (ARA) program offers each year awards to faculty members at academic institutions worldwide in variety of areas. The program conducted primarily by PhD students or post docs, under the supervision of the faculty member awarded the funds.


To encourage collaboration and the sharing of insights, each funded proposal team is assigned an appropriate Amazon research contact.


ARA also encourage recipients to publish their research outcome and commit related code to open-source code repositories. The ARA recipients are invited to speak at Amazon offices worldwide about their work and to meet with the Amazon research groups face-to-face.


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