General, Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory
General, Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory
Semester 1:
The General, Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory 1 is intended for first year students who have completed a course of general theoretical chemistry.
The purpose of the lab: Instilling correct work habits in the lab with an emphasis on safety.
Learning basic techniques in laboratory work such as weighing, solution preparation, decantation and more, proper work with laboratory equipment.
Practicing basic methods in analytical chemistry: acid-base titrations, redox titrations, calibration solutions with primary standards. Performing experiments in general chemistry such as: chemistry of copper, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, calculating Avogadro’s number, electrochemistry and more.
Initial recognition with analytical instrumentation – spectrophotometry, pH-meter.
Instilling knowledge in collecting, observing and recording data, proper recording of the laboratory notebook and writing laboratory reports.
Semester 2:
The General, Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory 2 is intended for second year students who have completed the course of General, Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory 1.
The purpose of the lab:
Deepening knowledge in General and Analytical Chemistry, instilling knowledge in planning an independent experiment, with an emphasis on safety in the laboratory.
The laboratory is divided into two parts. In the first part of the semester, students learn to work with advanced analytical equipment – potentiometic titrations, conductometric titrations, spectrophotomtry, and Flame Emission Spectroscopy. In the second part, students perform independently four research projects. Each project lasts for two laboratory sessions and is designed by the student himself/herself with instructor supervision. The project planning is based on an independent scientific literature search of his/her own project idea. At the end of the semester studentsare able to work independently, choose an appropriate method for a particular Issue, prepare all the necessary solutions and write a laboratory report of his/her results.
The laboratory is located in the Exact Sciences Building, Shenkar Chemistry 211.
Our lab website:
Teaching staff:
Technical staff:
Dr. Bukhaltsev Ella
Dr. Zigelboim Isaac
Ms. Yulia Visitaev
Lab instructors: TAU students studying for their master or PhD degree in chemistry.