Registration Guidelines

updated: 15.05.2019

PhD Admission Requirements and Application Procedure


Before submitting a request to the Division Committee for acceptance as a research student in the School of Chemistry, please read the University and School of Chemistry regulations for Research Students. Admission requirements to the School of Chemistry, for both the regular and direct tracks, are outlined in the regulations.


Further information and guidelines regarding PhD Programs are available on the school website.


Find a suitable advisor from among the school senior faculty members, and ask that she or he agrees to supervise you. You can refer to the list of researchers and their research fields (including contact information). After receiving the advisor’s written consent, you can submit an application for acceptance to PhD studies to The Division Research Student Committee.


Upon registration, you should submit the following documents:


  1. Application form for PhD studies

  2. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree diplomas. You should present original certificates if you graduated in a university other than Tel Aviv. An applicant who received her or his MSc at Tel Aviv University is exempt from submitting diplomas.

  3. A list of courses and records of your BSc and MSc degrees that include a weighted average of the course grades, a final degree grade, and a final thesis grade. You must present original documents, unless the degrees are from Tel Aviv University.

  4. A written approval from a School of Chemistry faculty member, who agrees to act as supervisor and who is authorized to supervise PhD students.

  5. Two recommendation letters – one from the MSc supervisor and one from the future supervisor or from another faculty member. The letters will be sent directly to the school secretariat or will be transmitted in a sealed envelope by the candidate.

  6. The applicant’s CV and List of Publications.

  7. 2 passport photos


After the Research Student Committee grants its approval, the applicant should complete an online registration for PhD studies. After entering all the details, the registrant will receive an email message that includes a reference number.  A confirmation will be sent by mail. A personal code will be sent by mail after processing the registration information.


Registration for PhD studies can be submitted all year round and is free of charge.


Secretary of the Research Students Committee:

Ronit Weingarten; Tel: 03-640-7744; Email:

Secretariat: Shenkar-Chemistry Building. 2nd floor. Room 204, Office hours: Sun-Thu 8:30-15:00


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