NMR Labs

updated: 14.11.2019

NMR Labs

There are 3 High Resolution NMR labs at the School of Chemistry: two 400MHz (9.4T) NMR instruments and one 500MHz (11.7T) NMR instrument. (In addition there are 3 NMR instruments which are NMR imaging devices and / or solid state NMR (400MHz and 600MHz), for which Prof. Yoram Cohen, Prof. Amir Goldbourt and Dr. Ilia Kaminker are responsible).


These NMR labs serve all graduate research students in the Department of Organic Chemistry, some of the graduate students of the Department of Physical Chemistry and undergraduate teaching labs.


In addition the NMR labs serve graduate research students from other faculties at TAU (such as life sciences, medicine, and engineering), and graduate students from other universities, industrial services are also provided.


On the whole these labs provide NMR services to hundreds of customers, both from inside and from outside TAU, with the devices operating 24/7, including weekends and holidays. Therefore the NMR accessibility is limited and machine times must be arranged in advance (for contact details, see below).


NMR instruments are used to determine the structure of the compounds synthesized in the laboratories or in industry and sometimes even their activity by a variety of techniques: one-dimensional spectra, two-dimensional spectra, spectra of different nuclei, VT NMR, diffusion measurements and more.



For more information about ordering instrument time, payment etc. please contact us:


NMR labs: Ornstein 005, 011 and 013; Phone Numbers: 03-6406162 and 03-6408481


Dr. Limor Frish, Director of the NMR laboratories

Office: Ornstein 109, Phone Number: 03-6407993, Email: limorf@tauex.tau.ac.il


Dr. Sarit Slovak Ben Shabtai

Office: Ornstein 109 a, Phone Number: 03-6405230, Email: http://slovaksa@tauex.tau.ac.il


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