High Energy Theory Group Seminar: Supersymmetric Renyi Entropy in CFT_2 and AdS_3
David Kutasov, U. Chicago
31 December 2015, 13:30
Kaplun Building, Room 319
We show that in any two dimensional conformal field theory with (2, 2) supersymmetry one can define a supersymmetric analog of the usual Renyi entropy of a spatial region A. It differs from the Renyi entropy by a universal function (which we compute) of the central charge, Renyi parameter n and the geometric parameters of A. In the limit n→1 it coincides with the entanglement entropy. Thus, it contains the same information as the Renyi entropy but its computation only involves correlation functions of chiral and anti-chiral operators. We also show that this quantity appears naturally in string theory on AdS_3.
Seminar Organizer: Walter Tangarife